My Brother's Peculiar Chicken by Aleandro Roces

 The story my brother’s peculiar chicken is a story by Aleandro Roces.The story relates with the famous type of gambling called Sabong which is very popular in the Philippines.Two brothers caught a chicken,but the chicken is an odd chicken so they cannot tell whether the chicken is a female or male.This story is quite similar to the real world because it shows how most of the Filipinos are that competitive when it comes to gambling.

The part in the story where the two brothers took the chicken to the cockpit so that they would know if the chicken was a rooster or not,that made the people entertained and watched the fight.Sabong or cockfighting is a gaming activity placing two roosters in arenas betting the two which comes out victorious,it is also a national pastime that gives entertainment to people.Well I say,cockfighting is dangerous to chickens because there is a chance that the chicken can be injured and it is forced to fight with other chicken’s as well.Cockfighting is illegal yet it still catches the attention of other people and entertains them.

The scene where Kiko thought that they would be rich and win cockpits if they catch the chicken because of how strong the chicken is during the fight of the two chickens.Filipino males have been enjoying their high-ranking positions of how strong their chicken is.If you ask me,I would tell the two brothers to not let the chicken fight because it is illegal and can harm the chicken.Many countries banned cockfighting because it is condsidered as animal cruelty but remains popular.

The part where the boys argued the whole morning until lunch where their parents also argued at the table because of the chicken’s gender.In the table etiquette,there’s a rule about no talking while eating together because it is said to be disrespectful.As for me,I think that it wasn’t really necessary for the parents to fight because of the chicken instead,they should’ve thought of thinking ways to stop this argument.Arguing or talking in front of the table is disrespectful because the food we eat is considered a blessing from God.

I have come to the realization that this story proves how Filipinos are entertained when it comes to gambling and how desperate they are to win.Although this type of gambling is still illegal,many people still force their chicken’s to fight in cockpits and still catches the attention of the people.


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