The Tale Of Timo: Guardian Of The Putat

 The story of Timo,Guardian of the putat by Jeanille Cogtas.Is about a very kind hardworking corn farmer,named Mang Timo who lived together with  his beautiful daughter whom he raised on his own.Her name is Marcelina.

Dialect is the use of certain words of origin of the narrative adds credibility and authenticity to the roots of the characters of the setting itself.Mannerism is the small act that makes big impact to the surroundings or situation.Mang Timo said "Tabi,Tabi!" when he asked forgiveness to Atong when his carabao accidentally did damage to the putat.It is believe that saying tabi tabi  a way to show respect and avoid disturbing spirits or any other mythical creatures in the way.Mang Timo went inside the putat and fought with atong for he didnt want to offer his daughter as sacrifice.This was later then known by the king,he then asked for the truth to the magical pond and revealed atong's misdeeds.Atong was incarcernated,but unfortunately for Timo,he can never return to the human world as he was to rule over the fae world.

In this story,a father will do anything and everything to protect his children.The father's love transforms into an heroic act of self-sacrifice so that the children will have a peaceful and happy life.This applies to the real world because this tells the readers on how a father's love can change in dangerous circumstances with self-sacrificing.


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