Family day 2023- @Asian College Of Technology

 Family Day 2023

   "Asianistas Advancing Through Challenges together"

Family day reminds all of us to focus on our thoughts, energies and time to those closest to us. The parents can observe and learn about their child's strengths and weaknesses, which helps to guide them better. Parents and children develop a stronger bond. ACT-IS family day was held at Asian College of Technology-Integrated School grounds on April 23,2023 from one o'clock in the afternoon to nine o'clock in the evening.

The event started with a mass for Catholics to honor and praise God; unite in prayer with the fellow believers. After the mass ended, they announced welcome remarks and gave us an inspirational speech. During the program, my friends and I spent the time taking photos as a way for us to remember the memorable event. While waiting, we watched the fun and entertaining games that the students played with their parents, and we ate some snacks that the parents offered for us to eat. The ice cream was delicious despite the long line. I got to witness the hidden talents that my schoolmates had all along, that made me surprised and quite proud because they got out of their shell and proved to everyone that they can do more. The school faculty announced the 5 lucky winners of the raffle draw, that made everyone anxious in the hopes of being included. Everyone eventually said their congratulations to the winners and paid attention to the next performers. The next performers were the students from the elementary department showing their energy on the dance palabas competition---making the parents stand on their seats just to record the graceful dances of their children. 


After the awesome and adorable performance, was the junior high school department's dance palabas. We did not expect that we would be dancing at night. Nonetheless they made everyone nervous, but those worries didn't stop us from performing. The dance from our team was about the story line of the show called stranger things,I was roleplaying as a mother in the show named Joyce byers. The last group to perform was the blue team with their Rio themed dance; dancing with their colored handmade wings, I must say the judges really enjoyed the performance. Now that the dances were finished. It was time for dinner, where everyone formed their lines and patiently waited to get the meal that they wanted. The teachers made sure that everyone ate their dinner. After dinner time, my friends and I roamed around in the garden to take photos of the beautiful shining moon. Everyone was dancing and enjoying the mood while the upbeat music was playing, as well as taking videos and photos. The judges together with the teachers announced the winners for the dance competition. We placed fourth, we were quite disappointed and surprised, but we didn't feel any sadness because the important thing is that all of this was going to end. We did our very best, we had fun. In the end that's what matters. Our muse and escort were in 3rd place, everyone was so hyped and happy for them because they made it in the top 3. 


I am proud for everyone because they did their best and really put their effort into their performances. Therefore, Family Day is a wonderful occasion to prioritize and appreciate the relationships we have with our loved ones. It serves as a reminder to take time out of our busy schedules to connect with our family members and show them how much we care. It is also a great time to bond with your friends to know them more. 


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